Accueil > Pierre de France > Antique French limestone flooring, Antique stone floors, paving cobbles
Antique French limestone flooring, Antique stone floors, paving cobbles

French limestone (tiles) features an elegant and authentic style.
This stone is perfectly adapted for paving especially in aged finishes (brushed and bush hammered) Antic French limestone (highly aged finish) but also in more modern finishes : honed or brushed.

Aspects, shades:

This relatively raw surfaces limestone, it is slightly varied color ranging from light grey to orange.


Rubble are most often used for walls and retaining walls, for the delimitation of land or for the facades of the houses yet. Although they are often used in outdoor, rubble may find applications in Interior.

Stone is also a material of constant renewal, accompanying for example urban landscapes in their evolution. Thanks to the perfection of tools and to ongoing artistic creativity, stoneworks have adapted well to new industrial technologies. Today the numerous choices of processing and finishing prove more economically feasible and easier to maintain. Forever contemporary and elegant, the stone of FRANCE, especially with age, never loses its splendour.

French stone also exudes atmosphere and warmth through a variety of tones : light beiges to darker browns with nuances of yellow, red, even grey and blue, plus textures from fine and smooth to rough and grainy, or enriched with fossils.

In short FRANCE stone is a noble product - unique, universal, eternal...
Through years of experience as a wholesaler anr producer in natural stone and antique limestone and sale to furniture factories, Interior builders, architects, contractors and traders has Stones a unique range for the consumer and Interior specialist.
Thanks in part to large purchase and own import we can offer you the Dordogne Flagstones at very competitive prices. Francepierre many years of experience.

Les pierres naturelles au 36 rue de Bourgogne à Paris avec les pierres naturelles de Dordogne (Limeyrat, Auberoche, Montagnac d'Auberoche).


Notre usine LP Pierre Naturelle est située en Dordogne entre Bordeaux, Sarlat, Périgueux et Bergerac.

La pierre naturelle au 36 rue de Bourgogne 75007 PARIS
Uniquement sur RDV.

Prise de rendez-vous en ligne : RDV.
ou par téléphone au 06 79 17 55 43

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